Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Bubblegum Pop from the Mid-2000's

Do you know what I miss? Cheesy bubblegum pop from the mid 2000's. It seems everyone is either in denial about it or just quite frankly, doesn't remember it. I, on the other hand, remember it clearly. It was a short lived era that only had like, a three year life span from 2004 to 2006 but man, it was kinda cool.
Now don't confuse this bubblegum pop with the really early 2000's bubblegum pop. That was a whole different ball game that mainly consisted of two-second short-lived girl groups. *cough*Dream*cough* The mid-2000's bubblegum pop was a nice blend of mainly stand alone girls who were either part of the golden age of the trashy Hollywood scene or dabbled into it from afar. And you'd think the music would be crap but I can still listen to it without cringing (too much).
For example, Lindsay Lohan's song, 'Over'(2004), is a perfect example of lyrics that just get it. They speak out what we all feel when we've been dumped or ended a relationship. It's a really good song that quite frankly, never got air play.

- Other Lindsay Lohan tunes worth mentioning include 'That Girl' (2004), which was written for the amazing-horrible 'Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen' (2004) and 'Confessions of a Broken Heart' (2005). 'Broken Heart' was again, a song that didn't gt air play but it did get recognition for it's dark and powerful video, which also features a cameo from her younger sister. Again, the lyrics are really amazing for a pop song. TEAM LOHAN

Then we have Ashlee Simpon's 'Boyfriend,' that actually was allegedly written towards Ms. Lohan thinking she had her man snatched. The perfect component to the song 'Over.' Even if it is about Wilmer Valderrama. (I KNOW, 2005 GOSS WAS SO 2005)

- Other Ashlee Simpson tunes worth mentioning include 'Lala' (2004) which is a tounge-in-cheek song that hints at sexy-time, 'L.O.V.E.' (2006) which had everything one singing the lyrics, and 'Dancing Alone' (2005) which is a really sweet and cute love song about waiting for the one you truly love. And as the title suggests, it takes cues from well known 80's songs.

Honestly, no list like this can not include the ever so lovely Hilary Duff. I mean, that's just against the code of living in the 2000's. She was in a league of her own, in a way, because she wasn't caught up in the tornado of the trashiness Hollywood was producing. She was actually kind of cast aside because of it and now, ten years later since the height of all that, she's back with new music that's really good. Only Hilary can take a break for that long and still have a job waiting for her.
'So Yesterday'(2003) is the defining break up song you'll ever need to hear. It also, in my opinion, was one of the first songs that had this flavor of bubblegum pop I'm talking about because as we all know, 2003 was a shit year for music.

- Other Hilary Duff tunes I just can't leave out include 'Come Clean' (2004) which we all can't possibly forget about and 'Wake Up' (2006) which never really got the time of day but if you did listen to it, it totally summed up that way you feel when plans to go out spring up on you, on a hazy Saturday afternoon.

But then we have songs that were just about having a good time. Like, letting your hair down, braking into a public pool, and snatching a boy in two (because you're a twin, duh.) The Veronicas were the perfect duo, who hailed from Australia, that got that down perfectly.
Their 2006 break out song, '4Ever' (in the states), got the whole YOLO concept down before anyone else did. And again, there was no pretentious ties to it or a need to make a statement. It's just a fun song.
And P.S. The Veronicas had an amazing sense of style, for the time TBFH

- Other Veronica's tunes you might want to check out include, 'Everything I'm Not'(2005) and 'When It Falls Apart'(2006), which are two other fuck you/miss you melodramatic symphonies.

The Veronicas were one of the last few bubblegum pop-tarts to break into the scene before everyone's attention go snatched up by Timbaland and his clan of producers and musicians. I mean, who can't forget that time we all confused Justin Timberlake's voice for a woman's in 'Sexy Back' (2006) because I sure did. And quite frankly, that basically signaled the end of that short lived era where unless you were under the age of 14 (like me) you didn't really understand it.
It's also not something I long for and miss dearly but it was a time in music that we can't really have again. It was as pure as corporate music will ever be because now it's all about that 'one musician who has it all.'

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sibling SS.16

Honestly, what can't I say about Sibling? I've been in love with everything they've produced since my little eyeballs stumbled upon their work some, five years ago. I know, it's been a well committed relationship. And damn, does time fly.
Anyways, their collection for Spring.Summer 2016 kind of took a new turn for me this time around. It felt a bit masculine yet feminine, old yet new. With the introduction of seeing suits walk down their runway was news to me. That's something I haven't seen from them yet it felt refreshing. Then before I felt like boredom had crept in, I see parkas with fuzzy, tassels and lace up bottoms peaking through zipped down trousers hanging on for dear life with a wish and a prayer.
Cute, right? And can I applaud them some more for having some thick boys walk?


Friday, May 22, 2015

Working Behind the Vail

Working in the fashion industry has definitely disillusioned me and has made me realize that I have to keep out for myself at all times. Aside from being used and I suppose, screwed over, it's made me more realistic. People only want what they want and that's something I've come to accept.
I can't be bitter because I don't want to be. Like I said, I can only look out for myself and hope for the best. A career in this field is never secure and it's quite a bit wonky. Though, I will say this, it's made me realize my worth. I see it now and I know I'll be ok in the end.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Don't be a queen, be a dragon

Sunday was such a thrill. I had the special privilege of attending the first Drag Con, ever. And I Rugret nothing at all.
I knew going in that I shouldn't expect too much, considering this is the first Drag Con. And although that did prove right, to some extent, it really ended up being so much more than I thought.

An elephant never forgets

The very first thing I did was meet my one and only, Raja. She's proven to be my favorite queen that has come out of Dragrace because she does her own thing, speaks her mind, and isn't so full of herself that she can't strike up a conversation with the people you'd assume would be below her. She rules with kindness and I respect her for that.

I lowkey judged the construction of these lolz

And aside from walking around, checking out the booths and what the vendors had to sell, the convention itself was worth it just to people watch. There was so many people from many walks of life and that made going so worth it. I especially favored the mamas who either came with their kids or just came willingly because they love Dragrace.

My favorite moment of the day definitely had to be meeting and interacting with James St. James. He was such character, ugh, I adore him. 12 year old me is now at rest. James totally had the hots for me and even wlecumed me to his face haha

He wanted my goodies tbh
And seeing James at his panel with the Boulet Brothers, with last minute panelist, Milk, was such an intimate and special occasion. I'm so glad I lugged my sister to go see them speak about club life through the decades.

Now, my only complain, per say, is that paying to interact with the queens, either through selfies or getting an autograph, really didn't sit well with me. It pretty much blind sided me and my sister and kept us from wanting to meet our favorite queens. (I had to step out of line from meeting Latrice Royale because of this) Which in hindsight, cripples you from doing pretty much anything because it's either wait in line to meet a queen or pray you'll be able to get inside of a panel.
That  really wasn't cool and I understand that they need to make a living but when it's $10 for an autograph for this queen and $20 for an autograph from that queen, why even bother?

The Scream by Edvard Munch
It just makes me think of those kids who scrapped up their money to show up and barely have enough for essentials and say, a small souvenir. That's what bothers me about paying for shit like a damn photo or signature. But I will say, my admiration and level of respect for Phi Phi O'hara, Willam, and Raja has grown because they were the only three queens (that I was aware of) who weren't charging for photos or autographs. Hell, even Phi Phi had a free selfies sign on her chest and was in front of the barrier to personally interact with fans. I really admire her for that.
And I will say, Willam had the best merch at great prices from anyone there. You know I damn well stocked up, let me tell you!
But the best moment of the day was seeing RuPaul speak at his panel. We literally were walking out of James St. James' panel when we ran into my friend who was waiting in the long ass line for Ru's panel. She snuck us into the line and because of her, we were able to see Ru's panel.
I'm pretty sure karma will kick my ass for this but it was totally worth it.

Overall, I'm really glad I got to attend and I'm definitely looking forward to attending next year. Especially since I know the guy who produced the event ;)